
—- datatemplateentry news —- type : news template : news:template:article year : 2020 month : 11 day : 04 pubdate_dt : 2020-11-04 title : Plasma5 arriva in /testing su Slackware-current image : :news:slackware-logo.png source_url : description : Welcome to vtown, volkerdi's friendly takeover of alienBOB's ktown Plasma 5 packages!

L'ultimo ChangeLog della -current (Slackware64-current ChangeLog (2020-11-03)) ha reso felice molti utenti di Slackware. Il duro ed apprezzato lavoro di alienBob (ktown) è arrivato finalmente nella directory /testing della -current.

Questo il messaggio completo di Patrick:

Welcome to vtown, volkerdi's friendly takeover of alienBOB's ktown Plasma 5
packages! Enormous thanks are due to alienBOB for maintaining and leading
testing of Plasma 5 on the side, even as I wore out his patience (and likely
others as well). But now this has made it into /testing and it won't be all
that long before it'll hit the main tree, so test it out and let me know if
anything broke. Several packages have been given back their upstream names
since there's no real reason to do otherwise unless we were going to support
installing KDE4 at the same time, and we aren't. Qt4 won't even be sticking
around, but probably will take it up. I dropped kaudiocreator
(won't build), ktuberling and klettres (rather bloated for the probably limited
appeal), user-manager (seems to have been dropped by upstream), kdelibs (KDE4
library, not going to support that), kwebkitpart, and kpat (not adding three
new dependences only used for a solitaire game). In addition, it's probable
that digikam and its dependencies will be dropped. It's a great program, but
in my opinion it's just a little too big (especially the source) to ship by
default. To install the vtown packages, first you'll want to remove any KDE4
packages (the KDE and KDEI series in the main tree), any previous ktown packages
from alienBOB, and then install all of the packages in vtown/deps and vtown/kde
using upgradepkg –install-new. The previous advice on ConsoleKit2 was to remove
it since we've switched to elogind, but if you've got the latest rc.M it
shouldn't matter since ConsoleKit2 will not be started if elogind is installed.
Speaking of elogind, you'll probably notice that once elogind is installed X
or Wayland sessions will launch in the current console rather than on console 7.
Regarding the build numbers, the one before _vtown_ is the build number that
will be used when the merge to the main tree happens, and the one after _vtown_
is used in case any rebuilds need to happen while vtown is in /testing. That's
about it for the notes on this one. Thanks again to alienBOB, and to my friends
in the US - don't forget to vote. :-)

In questi anni la comunità Slackware chiedeva a gran voce a Patrick di inserire Plasma5 come DE per la prossima release di Slackware (ricordo che la stabile - 14.2 - include KDE4 che mostra già evidenti segni di vecchiaia) e la lunga attesa è stata ampiamente ripagata.

Pat indica all'utente i passi necessari per installare “vtown”:

  1. Rimuovere KDE4 (KDE e KDEI series)
  2. Installare tutte le dipendenze (vtown/deps) e Plasma5 (vtown/kde) usando il comando upgradepkg –install-new

Per i più “pigri” ecco i comandi da lanciare dal mirror locale della -current, possibilmente da console:

cd slackware64-current
removepkg slackware64/kde/*.t?z
removepkg slackware64/kdei/*.t?z
upgradepkg testing/packages/vtown/deps/*.t?z
upgradepkg testing/packages/vtown/kde/*.t?z

Buona -current a tutti!


Articoli relativi

  • news/2020/11/04/plasma5_arriva_su_slackware-current.txt
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • by Giuseppe Di Terlizzi